What is Endosleeve ?

An endosleeve is a method to help you lose weight by reducing the size of the stomach through the mouth. This technique differs from a classical surgical operation as no cutaneous incisions are made to perform the operation. Our clinic is one of the first clinics in Belgium to perform this procedure.

This procedure should be seen as an aid in achieving weight loss in combination with a healthy lifestyle. This procedure reduces the volume of the stomach and the capacity for food in the stomach.  

Why perform an endosleeve ?

Obesity is a major problem worldwide and can lead to many different physical and mental problems. For example, obesity can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, joint problems, sleep problems, depression and various types of cancer. 

For many people losing weight is very difficult, and leads to frustration. Sometimes it is possible to temporarily lose weight only to gain it back again, the so-called yo-yo effect. 

The endosleeve should be seen as an aid in achieving weight loss in combination with a healthy lifestyle. This procedure will give a boost to your diet program.

A volume reduction of the stomach helps with weight loss, however it is important to follow the post-operative diet after the procedure and adopt a healthy lifestyle to achieve a successful weight loss and avoid complications. 

Ups and downs

Every procedure has it advantages and disadvantages. For the endosleeve the big advantage is the way it is done, without any harm to the abdominal wall, leaving no scars. A disadvantage of this procedure is the risk of dilatation of the stomach in the long term, reducing the restriction of the sleeve. This could result in weight regain.

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When do I qualify?

  • A BMI of more than 30 kg / m2 

  • You are motivated and prepared to adjust your lifestyle and diet

  • You are prepared to bear the costs of the procedure.

What disqualifies?

  • If there is a hiatal hernia (> 3 cm) or a previous stomach operation 

  • If there are serious problems of stomach acid with esophageal erosion 

  • If you are not prepared to follow a diet. 


How is an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty performed?

Before undergoing an endosleeve a gastroscopy, ESG and blood analysis are performed.

The endosleeve procedure takes place under general anesthesia. You will be given a sedative in a baxter, you will not be aware of the procedure. 

Dr. Christopher Lange performs all procedures. Dr Lange has extensive experience in abdominal, laparoscopic and weight loss procedures.

  • A gastroscope is inserted through the mouth and  the esophagus into the stomach. The stomach is reduced to approximately 150cc using sutures. As you can see in the image multiple sutures are placed in an U-shape along the greater curvature of the stomach.

  • The sutures are not resorbable. Since the procedure is done through the mouth there are no abdominal scars.